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فارسی عربي


Iran ‘Pufferfish’ animation for Nowruz

Iran animation ‘Pufferfish’ is set to be shown on Television for Iranian children during Nowruz holidays in the country.

The animated series targeting kids and young adults as the main audience was produced and directed by Salma Afkari in 90 segments that run for 10 mins each.

A total of 13 episodes of the animated series will be shown on Iranian Television during the Nowruz holidays, the director said, adding that the first thirteen episodes of this project air in the last Persian calendar year.

Ten more episodes of ‘Pufferfish’ are currently being voice-acted, the director noted.  

The Persian New Year, Nowruz, starts with the beginning of spring in Iran, where people hold ceremonies for the onset of the season. This year, Nowruz starts on March 21, 2017.

